The Time it Takes

A World Apart

The Art of Nothing

No Chains No Masters

My Motherland

Animal tales of Christmas Magic

On The Wandering Paths

Marguerite’s Theorem

All your faces

Never too late for Love (Astolfo)

How to be a Good Wife

A Family for 1640 Days

Gallant Indies

A Tale of Love and Desire

Tokyo Shaking

The Salt of Tears

It’s for your own Good

Three Summers

Citizens of the World

10 Days with Dad

My Dog Stupid

The Invisible Witness

The Girl with a Bracelet

Santiago, Italia

The Perfect Nanny

Someone Somewhere

The Venerable W

Maguy Marin, Time to Act

In Safe Hands

One Nation One King

The Girl in the Fog

The Silent Revolution

Monsieur & Madame Adelman

Jupiter’s Moon

The Heiresses (Las Herederas)

Good Manners (As Boas Maneiras)

No Date No Signature (Bedoune Tarikh, Bedoune Emza)

School of Life (L’ecole Buissonniere)

Return or the Hero (Le Retour du Heros)

This is our Land (Chez Nous)

12 Days (12 jours)

A Violent Life (Une Vie Violente)

Nicholas on Holiday (Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas)

The Sweet Escape (Comme un Avion)

Sunstroke (Солнечный удар)

Journal de France

France (Les Habitants)

After Love (L’Economie du couple)

The Outsider (L’outsider)

The Country Doctor

Max & Leon (La Folle histoire de Max et Léon)

Down By Love (Eperdument)

The Student and Mr. Henri

Made in France

Paris, Love, Cut

Sleepless Night in Paris (Quand je ne dors pas)

The Assistant (La Volante)

The Great Game (Le Grand Jeu)

Marseille (De Guerre Lasse)

Next Time I’ll aim for the heart (La prochaine fois je viserai le coeur)

In the Shadow of Women (L’ombre des femmes)

The Chef’s Wife (On a failli être amies)

Number One Fan

The Great Man (Le Grand Homme)

Hippocrates: Diary of a French Doctor

The mafia kills only in summer (La Mafia uccide solo d’estate)

On the Way to School (Sur le chemin de l’école)

Viva la Liberta

Jealousy (La Jalousie)

Just a Sigh (Le temps de l’aventure)

Our Children (A perdre la raison)

Becoming Traviata (Traviata et Nous)

Relationship Status: It’s complicated

Billy and Buddy (Boule et Bill)